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Surprising Brides How It All Started

As bride myself a few months ago, I can recall the stressful and overwhelming time being a bride and bride to be. I thought there are probably thousands of brides and brides to be out there that where feeling the same way. Then I thought to myself how can we help brides and brides to be? By surprising them! Who doesn't like a surprise?


When finding out a friend was to be getting engaged, an idea popped in to our minds. What if we could surprise other brides during a spectacular and stressful time? The only problem was, how could we do that? There was an aha moment and shortly after Surprise A Bride was born. The idea of creating a blissful proposal, bridal shower, or even decorating her room after the proposal became a reality.


If you, or some one you know is a bride or bride to be and you would like to give them a surprise of their dreams, we can help!

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