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The Ultimate Birthday Surprise

Looking to surprise your loved one on their special day? 

Well @adikasberg (on instagram) And I (@leah_wolf) (on instagram) had the opportunity to do just that. 

To surprise this lucky woman for her birthday! If you or anyone you know is looking to give a surprise of a lifetime let us know, and we will achieve that! Just let us know what you had in mind and we’ll help you achieve what had envisioned and much more! 

We achieved this look with picking petals and candles, and placing them everywhere to create the ultimate romantic atmosphere. Adding some baked goods and rose, helps to continue that theme of romance. 

If you would like us to do the same for you, or someone you love, contact us via instagram, email, or through the blog directly! 

And our very first Surprise A Bride Video is coming soon! 

Thank you to @zissys_kitchen for supplying us with the yummy smelling baked goods! 

Check us out on: Facebook Instagram 

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